Globe Creek Camp policies
The staff at Globe Creek Camp (GCC) welcomes you and are here to serve you as best we can. In order to function as a Christian community we must have rules or what we like to call, “Policies”. The following policies are in no way meant to infringe upon your group having a good time and wonderful stay at Globe Creek Camp. They are to help us maintain order and ensure that all of your members are happy campers. The main purpose is for you to have a pleasant and safe visit. Please abide all Policies (rules) as they apply to your group.
Emergency Preparedness
GCC has no phone service. Cell phones will get reception at mile 28 Elliott Highway, nine miles south from GCC. There is very limited messaging available for group Leaders. It is very important that you be prepared ahead of time for any emergencies that may arise. User groups are responsible for providing their own first aid and emergency care. Your group is advised to keep medical emergency transportation available at all times. Your group is also advised to provide an adult certified in CPR and First-aid. User groups are requested to notify camp staff if professional medical care is sought for any member of their group while at Globe Creek Camp. Group leaders should have on hand the names and addresses of all group participants, emergency contact names and number listing of any persons with known allergies or health conditions requiring treatment, restriction, or other special accommodations on site. Minors without a parent on site must have a signed permission form in case emergency treatment is needed. Health forms for minors without parent are provided with this contract.
Children and Youth
Groups are responsible for their participant's behavior while at GCC. All children/youth under the age of 18 are to be under the supervision of a responsible adult at all times during your stay at GCC, including activities where GCC staff is providing leadership.
Pets are not allowed in inside GCC’s facilities. They are allowed outside on a leash at all times. Owners are responsible to clean up after their pets.
Kitchen and Cleaning of Facility
The kitchen is for designated adults and staff only. If you are preparing your own meals please follow the food handling, cleaning and dishwashing instructions posted in the kitchen. User will be responsible for the cleaning of kitchen, sweeping of dining area, cabins and checking grounds for debris left by your group before leaving GCC.
Wood/Pellet Stoves
Safety is of the utmost importance while at GCC. The wood stove in the lodge will be maintained by staff only. For each cabin, several people should be picked who are best qualified to stoke the pellet stove. These persons will be instructed by GCC staff on how to use the stove safely. Any safety issues should be brought to the attention of camp staff so it can be checked and corrected if needed. Wood stove safety guidelines will be posted in each cabin.
Proof of Insurance [provided by Keystone Community Rescue]
Please have your insurance company mail or email your group’s liability insurance coverage to GCC 30 day prior to your retreat. We recommend a minimum of $500,000 of liability coverage. Globe Creek Camp should be added to your policy for the length of your stay. Globe Creek Camp does not provide sickness/accident insurance. Your group leader will be required to sign a liability waiver.
In consideration for use of the facility, the group leader ("User") hereby agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Globe Creek Camp Inc., its Board of Directors, employees, and representatives, from and against any and all liability, loss, damage, injury or death arising from acts connected with User's activities God’s Love Overcomes Believes Endures C R E E K while using the facilities, when same is caused by or arises from the negligence of User or of its participants, members or guests, or by failure to perform any term of this agreement. Globe Creek Camp is not responsible for any personal equipment brought on site by guests.